This is a perfect place in Ban Phe - Mae for Assisted living facilities

We can offer a housing alternative for older or handycapped adults who may need help. The building has elevetors and is largely handicapped accessible and can be used by diabled guest. In the case of complaints or imminent infirmity, plan early on suitable options to find the best possible solution. Here you can find a helpful and helpful team which supports you personally and has time to respond to your concerns. We will gladly work out an offer for you. Easier base care including accommodation is already possible from THB 29'000.00 (about EUR 850.00) per month

In a first step we can arrange transports, doing shopping, provide for meals, assisting you at the immigration office and accompany you when going to pharmacy or hospital.

With special agreement we can also organize a care team for helping with dressing, bathing, eating, and toileting, but do not require the intensive medical and nursing care provided in nursing homes.

We also help with structural adaptation in the apartment.

Please don't hesitate and contact us if you have any question about assisting living.